Organic Body Cream – iambarleystore
Organic Body Cream

Organic Body Cream

IAM Barley Store

Regular price ₱2,250.00 ₱1,750.00 22% OFF


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Awesome Organic Instant White Cream provides instant whitening on first use and it evens out skin tone with continuous usage. It is preserved with Leucidal® and infused with Gigawhite™.

Leucidal® is a probiotic-based ingredient with the ability to inhibit the growth of a variety of bacteria and fungi and is used as consumer-friendly alternatives to synthetic preservatives for most cosmetic applications.

Gigawhite™ is a plant-derived, preservative-free skin whitener used as an alternative to hydroquinone. It has no side-effects and minimal to no skin irritation. It is effective in treating dark spots, skin discolorations and sun damaged the skin. It acts by inhibiting tyrosinase, which is an enzyme responsible for the production of melanin. Clinical tests showed that Gigawhite™ caused a decrease in discoloration by 24% and an increase in skin lightening by 15.3% over the course of a period of 12 weeks.

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